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Carlton Miniott Primary Academy News

The latest news stories from Carlton Miniott Primary Academy.


News Stories

  • Year 5 Visit to Recycling Centre
    Year 5 visited Allerton Park Recycling Centre as part of our Geography topic on sustainability. We had a tour of the facility and looked at how household waste from North Yorkshire is sorted and used to generate electricity. 
  • Brass Musical Performance
    Last week, after a couple of months of Brass music lessons with Mr Woodrow, the children put on a musical performance for their parents. Thank you to Mr Woodrow for giving the children this opportunity to learn a new instrument.
  • Chinese New Year Day - January 2025
    On Wednesday 29th January, we celebrated Chinese New Year.  Each class enjoyed a  Chinese Dance experience, Chinese Dinner was served and everyone learnt about some of the Chinese New Year traditions.
  • KS2 Cross Country - Jan '25
    40 of our pupils took part in the local primary school's cross country competition. The rain and mud did not put them off and they showed great attitude and determination. Two pupils were successful enough to win a gold and a silver medal.
  • Swimming Gala - Jan '25
    On Friday 10th January, we had a very successful Swimming Gala at Thirsk Swimming Pool, against other local schools. The children took part in both Individual and Team Relay races and came away with a collection of Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.
  • Judo Taster Days - January '25
    In the first week back at school after the Christmas Holidays the children took part in 2 taster days of Judo. If you measure their enjoyment by the noise they created, they all enjoyed it very much!!
  • Brass Lessons - Dec '24
    We have been delighted to welcome Mr Woodrow our Brass Teacher into school. We now have a number of children having tuition on a range of brass instruments.  If your child is interested in playing a musical instrument, please do get in touch.
  • Music Events in December 2024
    Our Singing Groups and Choir were busy in the run up to Christmas, singing at our Christmas Fayre, then at Hambleton Grange (a local care home) and the local church's Carol Service.
  • Yrs 5/6 Trip to the Pantomime - Dec '24
    Our Yrs 5 and 6 enjoyed their annual trip to the Pantomime at Harrogate this week, seeing Beauty and the Beast. It was a wonderful performance and the children were congratulated on their fantastic behavior by the theatre staff.
  • Yrs 4 and 6 Trip to Leeds Royal Armouries Museum - Dec '24
    Our pupils had an amazing day exploring so many different artefacts spanning across a range of different historical eras. They also watched live demonstrations and were even able to hold some of the weapons!
Showing 1-10 of 153