Welcome to Year 5
Mrs Goldburn and Mr Macklam would like to welcome you to the Year 5 web page. On this page, you will find useful information about our class for 2024-25, including links to useful websites that will help your child with his/her learning. We have a class Facebook for parents which is also updated regularly with class information/news.
Our most recent class letter (Spring Term 2025) can be accessed by clicking here. In it you will find details of what we are covering this term. It also contains useful information on homework.
Useful links to support your child's learning and to access homework web pages are shown below. Please click on the relevant link. Your child has passwords for 'Ed Shed' (spelling) and 'My Maths' in the front of their planner.
Oak National Academy (used a lot in Lockdown and very good for lessons and resources on all subjects)
BBC Bitesize - Great for resources/activities and lessons on a range of National Curriculum subjects
If you would like to get in touch with one of the Year 5 teachers, please either contact the school or use e-mail:
h.goldburn@carltonminiottacademy.org (Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday am)
k.macklam@carltonminiottacademy.org (Wednesday pm, Thursday or Friday)
Best wishes,
Year 5 Team