Science Intent
At Carlton Miniott Primary Academy we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. We aim to inspire within the children, a natural curiosity to investigate the world around them. We are determined to deliver the knowledge and skills necessary for the children to question, predict, explain and analyse processes. Children will be equipped with excitement and understanding to enable them to have an impact on future scientific developments in the world. Biology, chemistry and physics are used to develop conceptual understanding through a balance of first-hand experience, knowledge based learning and investigation.
Science Implementation
As one of the core subjects, Science is given essential prominence and is taught throughout school on a weekly basis.
Science is taught as a discrete subject, but is often linked to the themes or topics outlined in our Long Term Plans. We also use high quality texts as a starting point for some of our Science learning.
Science learning is displayed in each classroom, including scientific vocabulary.
EYFS and Year 1
Science is given a high profile in our Early Years and Year 1 classes.
- Children in EYFS and Year 1 are encouraged to explore the world around them and raise their own questions.
- They experience different types of scientific enquiries. As often as possible the activities are practical.
- Provision areas provide opportunities for investigation, sorting, grouping and observing.
- Access to the outdoors and other activities, such as Fresh Air Friday/Muddy Mondays, enable children to explore the natural world and talk about what they have found out.
- Children learn to use simple measurements and equipment (for example, hand lenses, egg timers) to gather data, carry out simple tests, record simple data, and talk about what they have found out and how they found it out.
- EYFS Understanding of the World learning is shown throughout the children’s individual learning journeys on Tapestry, and within their Fresh Air Friday/Muddy Mondays books.
- In Year 1 children’s learning is recorded in Wonderful Work books. We have high expectations of the presentation of Science work.
Year 2 – Year 6
Science continues to be given high priority through Year 2 and Key Stage 2 as children develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas.
- Children develop their Science knowledge and understanding alongside Scientific enquiry. Concepts and skills are introduced and explored through the Science lessons.
- Children record their learning in a Science book. We have high expectations of the presentation of work in these books. The books move through school with the children, so they can refer to past learning and concepts as they progress up the year groups.
- There is a balance between investigation activities and knowledge based learning. Investigation activities will take place throughout each half term.
Enthusiasm for Science
Children often have the opportunity to further appreciate and enhance their understanding of Science and its relevance to the wider world through visitors and educational visits, for example visitors from Hartlepool Power Station, visits to the local herb garden, Flamingo Land zoo and Elvington Air Museum. The children also celebrate 'Science Week'.
Science enrichment activities also take place regularly to further stimulate the children’s interest in the subject.
Pupil Feedback
The school has implemented a ‘Keep Up not Catch Up’ approach to learning. In lessons, teachers monitor work carefully and give immediate feedback to pupils.
Staff use the online assessment and tracking program Insight, to record and monitor pupil progress in Science. Formative assessment is used to inform planning. This information is also used to identify any ‘gaps’ or misconceptions in Science. Teachers strive to assess children as soon after the lesson or unit of work to ensure judgments made are accurate and well-informed. The Science books are also used to track the children’s learning. As the books move with the children through school, they also demonstrate knowledge, skills and coverage of the science curriculum. The subject leader uses the information to identify strengths and areas for development across the school.
Science is divided into Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The table below shows the progression of these strands through school.
The knowledge and skills that are taught at each year group are set out in the progression document below.