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  1. News
  2. Year 3 Visit to Ryedale Folk Museum - March '24

Year 3 Visit to Ryedale Folk Museum - March '24

19 March 2024 (by admin)

This week Class Three journeyed through time with a visit to the 'Stonehenge of the North' known as Thornborough Henges and also Ryedale Folk Museum. This trip helped us to see how life changed from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

This week Class Three journeyed through time. We began our day with a visit to the ‘Stonehenge of the North’ a Bronze Age ancient ritual site known as Thornborough Henges. The children were amazed to discover they were walking where Bronze  Age people would have walked 5000 years ago. We used our historical enquiry skills to pose questions about why the site was
significant and why it was created. Next, we visited Ryedale Folk Museum, where they have an Iron Age round
house to explore. We learnt about what life would have been like during the period and even had a go at weaving.
The trip has helped us see how life changed from the Stone Age to the Iron Age and draw our exciting topic to a close.